Safety and Speed can be Connected

Eliminating the risk of entering the “Crush Zone"

The process of installing and removing tyre and rim assemblies that weigh up to 9 Tons, ranks among the most dangerous, daily tasks performed on a mine site.

Standard practice requires personnel to enter the “crush zone” that exists between an unsecured load and the equipment being used to install or remove the assembly, in order to secure the load using standard fasteners (i.e Nuts). The time needed to manually fasten 3 or 4 standard nuts often exceeds 1 minute.

Even in the best case scenario, with access to a purpose built tyre handler, on a concrete floored workshop, personnel are exposed to mechanical or hydraulic failures that could result in potentially fatal crush injuries.

The Rim-Lock® and Rim-UnLock™ systems eliminate the necessity to enter this crush zone to perform this most vital of tasks. The unique retainers lock, or unlock, an assembly in seconds, safely improving productivity.

Using the patent protected Rim-Lock® retainers, it is now possible to instantly and securely lock a rim in place without the need for any manual interaction from personnel.

By removing the human element from a “crush zone”, the risk of fatality can be eliminated, saving lives and avoiding serious injury.

Once all personnel are clear of the “crush zone”, a tyre-manipulator can safely fit the tyre and rim assembly onto the equipment, without the need for any further manual interaction from any personnel.

At no time during the installation of the tyre and rim assembly will any personnel be required to place themselves between an unsecured load and the tyre-manipulator.

Rim-Lock® retainers contain a unique and patent protected internal mechanism that engages with the stud, instantly locking onto the thread and securing the assembly in position, without the need for any rotation of the retainer.

With the risk of unplanned movements eliminated, the vehicle’s standard retainers can now safely be installed and the Rim-Lock retainers can be removed.

Mine sites are complex, dangerous and often dirty environments.

The process of installing, removing and maintaining tyre and rim assemblies, that can weigh up to 9 ton, ranks amongst the most dangerous tasks undertaken on a daily basis on all mine sites worldwide.

Using standard fasteners (i.e Nuts) to secure, or remove, an assembly from a vehicle, personnel must to accept the risk of entering the “crush zone” that exists between an unsecured load and the equipment being used to install or remove the assembly.

In the absence of any viable alternative, that does not unduly impede existing processes or procedures, the acceptance of this risk is unfortunately commonplace.

Even in the best case scenario, with access to a purpose built tyre handler on a concrete floored workshop, personnel are exposed to mechanical or hydraulic failures that could result in potentially fatal crush injuries by entering the crush zone for extended periods. A multitude of additional risks exist when maintenance needs to be undertaken outside of a workshop (breakdown situations, in-pit or underground) and in situations where there is no access to specialised tyre handling equipment.

Using the patent protected Rim-Lock® retainers, it is now possible to instantly and securely lock, or unlock an assembly in place without the need for any manual interaction from personnel. At no time during the installation, or removal of the tyre and rim assembly will any personnel be required to place themselves between an unsecured load and the tyre-handler. By removing the human element from a “crush zone”, the risk of fatality can be eliminated, saving lives and avoiding serious injury.

At its core the Rim-Lock® is a reinvention of the nut, a product that has existed for over 400 years and used ubiquitously across most industries. The Rim-Lock® delivers the same functionality as a standard nut (i.e provide a threaded connection) without any manual interaction nor rotation, and, in a fraction of the time.

In any situation, where there is a need to quickly and safely secure a load mechanically, such as the changing of a tyre and rim assembly weighing up to 9t, our system can be used. 

When a tyre and rim assembly needs to be removed from the vehicle, the Rim-UnLock™ will allow the tyre handling team to remotely initiate the unlocking of our retainers. Existing process requires a person to enter the “crush zone” for extended periods of time to undo the remaining fasteners (nuts) from the rim.

The Rim-Lock® and Rim-UnLock™ systems are a unique innovation with life saving potential. The improved productivity and easy of integration into existing processes and procedures, is an additional benefit.

This innovation was born out of an unwillingness to accept the need for people to place themselves in a crush zone.

The use of the systems can revolutionise the dangerous and time consuming process of installing and removing tyre and rim assemblies, on any mine site worldwide. Safety and speed can successfully be connected.

Rim-Lock® Solutions


Our Rim-Lock® innovation is at its core a re-invention of the humble “nut” (i.e nuts and bolts, or fasteners of the tyre and rim assembly of vehicles).

The Rim-Lock® system and its design has been audited and certified by a Registered Professional Engineer from an industry leading Australian engineering firm.

The retainers are machined from 4140 tool steel and are treated for corrosion resistance.

The Rim-Lock® retainer can be customised to suit most situations where there is a need to instantly and securely lock a tyre and rim assembly in place, without the need for any manual interaction from personnel.

It is not a product that aims to replace the function or the use of a nut as an essential partner of the bolt. However, it will function as a tool that can be used in all circumstances where safety and speed are essential for the mechanical fastening of a tyre and rim assembly to a vehicle.

As such, the application of the Rim-Lock® is expansive. Its application in the mining industry is only its starting point. Ranging from Civil Engineering to the Construction Industry, and from the Motor Racing to the Farming Industry, the adaptation of the Rim-Lock® will revolutionise how tyres and rims are installed and removed.

Improved efficiency and significant time saving

Using the Rim-Lock® system provides a significant improvement to the current process of fitting a tyre and rim assembly with simple integration into existing process and procedure.

Significant time saving

The current process using standard fasteners and a tyre handler:

Per tyre and rim assembly:

Enter and exit tyre handler twice = 4 mins

Isolate, de-isolate tyre handler and install wheel chocks (incl. danger tagging) = 7 mins

Fit the minimum required 4 – 6 fasteners and tension = 3 mins

Total mins = 14 mins             

Process using the Rim-Lock®:

Per assembly:

Install the retainers on to the nave plate = 2 mins

Enter/ exit tyre handler once = 2 mins

Continue with standard installation process

Total mins = 4 mins

Total time savings using the Rim-Lock® system:

Per assembly = 71.4 %

Ongoing OEM maintenance and life-cycle tracking through integration with YPB® technology

Rim-Lock® retainers are a tool that can be re-used, and when maintained through OEM servicing, will withstand the harshest of operating conditions while maintaining maximum performance. 

To safeguard our product’s integrity, and to provide our clients with an efficient means of identifying the Rim-Lock® system as authentic, we have partnered with YPB Group Limited to create a custom built platform delivering a means of authentication, life-cycle tracking and digital reporting.

Although we may not be able to stop our retainers from being counterfeited over time, we have taken significant steps to provide our customers with world leading technology to identify any fake Rim-Lock® products should they arrive onsite.

Using YPB’s patent protected products, all Rim-Lock® delivered with YPB Tracer® and ProtectCode® Plus technology.

YPB Tracer® is one of the only invisible, forensically indisputable tracers available on the market. Authentication is achieved using a customised hand-held Bluetooth scanning device.

In order to ensure a quick, yet comprehensive overview of each retainers status and service history, the YPB ProtectCode® Plus technology provides multilayer unique QR code that can be scanned using any tablet or smartphone’s camera to reveal all essential formation:

  • Engineering certification
  • Clear representation that the retainer is within inspection period
  • Full service history, including any parts that have been replaced
  • User guides and animations
  • Warranty

Contact Rim-Lock Innovations Pty Ltd


(+61 1300 74 65 62)

[email protected]

Technical queries ask for Joe

Commercial queries ask for Michael

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